Looking Back and Moving Forward: A Third Quarter Reflection

 I've learnt a lot this quarter, especially in my knowledge of information and communication technology. I've developed an appreciation for this subject, just like in the previous two quarters, maybe because I can express myself and get better at it. Like the previous quarters, the third quarter really tests my capabilities. I can definitely say that ICT has been very helpful for me in terms of socializing and our rapidly developing technologies. Even though this subject can be challenging for me at times, I've managed to get through it by working hard on my own and never giving up. 

I am incredibly happy with how much I have learned from these lessons. Now, I can now discover more about HTML, including new concepts like HTML Frames, HTML rows and columns, and many more. We also do CBR (community-based research) in our own community, which enhances our ability to interact with others while collecting data. By engaging in such activities, I'm trying to raise my academic performance at school. I can now say that I've greatly improved, especially when it comes to typing HTML in notepad. I'm pleased with myself since completing another quarter is a success in my eyes. I'm hoping the upcoming quarter will be simple and enjoyable since I want to learn and understand more in the upcoming lessons. I have learned a lot this third quarter, and I'm hoping to learn even more. Overall, this quarter's lessons have been incredible. 

This third quarter has been a roller coaster for me. Even though I failed at a lot of things, I managed to get over the difficulties and hurdles in this field. It gave me a lot to think about and learn. Everything I learned will always be ingrained in my mind.


  1. Congrats for completing the third quarter, Chanella! Let's keep it up and work harder next time.

  2. You did well Joraine^3^

  3. You did a good job surviving the third quarter Joraine<3


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