121 Years of Excellence: Celebrating High School Day at ISNHS

 last March 25, ISNHS celebrate its 121st annual school day with the theme "Renewed Community in Defying Odds Transcend Heights of Excellence and Solidarity." This day is important for the school because it honors its long history and achievements. Various events, exhibits, field demonstrations, traditional games, and cultural celebrations are all part of the day's festivities.

The festivities began with a Thanksgiving mass at the ISNHS Centennial Gymnasium, which was
attended by our teachers, staff members, and officers from many clubs and organizations. The second round of the event began with a greeting from Principal IV Mrs. Editha C. Bagcal, a message from Ma'am Gemma Q. Tacuycuy, head of the school's division, a performance of 10-Maxwell for the intermission, and an encouraging speech from Atty. the awarding of exceptional teachers, staff members, and retirees; the interval piece by the teacher's choir; and the words of appreciation from the Assistant Principal. Following the Thanksgiving mass, the second portion of the event began at precisely 10:30 a.m., according to Principal II of SHS, Mr. Rommel R. Rabo. and it was held at the ISNHS gym.

The afternoon's festivities come to a close with a cultural event that highlights the pupils' abilities to dance calisthenics, festival dances, and hip-hop. Parents, alumni, and other guests attend the public event, which is open to everyone. Teachers participated in the customary games, which gave them a chance to demonstrate their intellectual prowess and compete with their peers. Teachers who perform well in these games are commended and given prizes.

Ilocos Sur National High School Day is a major occasion for the campus community as a whole. In addition to commemorating the institution's origin, it encourages students and faculty to be academically excellent, culturally aware, and sportsmanlike. The event serves as a reminder of the school's dedication to fostering civic responsibility in its students.


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