An open letter to his excellency.


His Excellency Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.
President, Republic of the Philippines
Malacañang Palace, Manila



Greetings of peace and unity!

            Being the president of a country is not an easy task. The 31 million votes you received from the majority of the Filipino people is overwhelming and at the same time terrifying as it represent the confidence they have for you. As the old saying goes, “Those who wear the crown must bear its weight.” Being the chief executive gives you the power not to rule but to serve. And it is a big responsibility to shoulder. I am writing you this letter to encourage you to serve our country well and to get your attention to address few of my concerns.

            There are lots of problems our country is experiencing right now; low employment rate, environmental issues, corruption, drugs, poor economy and many more. As a concerned citizen, I cannot do much about these alarming problems, but you, sir, have the power to help our country from its current situation. We’ve had enough of corrupt and power-hungry politicians; I hope that this time, it would be different. I am not going to look back to what happened in the past but I am looking forward to a progressive tomorrow. Climate change is a disturbing problem, it does not concern our country alone but the whole world and as a person who’s being watched and heard all the time, I hope you will use your voice to encourage people to do their own little ways in protecting our environment. In 2015, the Philippines ranked third in the world as a contributor of plastic waste with a staggering 2.7 million metric ton each year; I pray that you will do something to address this issue as it concerns the destruction of our natural resources. Also, nowadays, many Filipinos are experiencing hardship because of fuel price hike. It had been a great burden since the prices of services and products also increase because of this problem. Mr. President, I hope you will also do something regarding this issue.

            As my letter near its end, let me express my gratitude in your continuous service to our country. Your engagement with officials from different countries had been a great start since you were seated as the Chief Executive of the Republic of the Philippines. May your service to our “kababayan” remain true and sincere. I pray to God that He will give you good health and strength to carry on with your duty. There is a little chance my letter will reach you, but still, God Bless you sir and God Save the Philippines.


Sincerely yours,

Joraine Chanella Sy

*image from (


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